We all have responsibilities and duties that require our attention on a daily basis... like family needs, bills and basic necessities like food and water. We all have desires for our lives... "where am I going?" and "what do I want to accomplish?". BUT... if we are not careful, those same responsibilities and desires will quietly drown out the ONE thing we truly need...
Jesus is all that we need and should be the "top dog" on the list of things that we want. We need to find that place where we can honestly and humbly say... "Jesus is EVERYTHING to me!" In this Sunday's message, Pastor Kamron shares from his heart on a message that he feels very passionately is one of the most important "realities" that we need to come to grips with. The "REAL Jesus" is more than a symbol or a friend... He is life itself.
Listen for yourself and see if some of your own priorities and perspectives need to change today: