Sunday, October 26, 2014

"LIFE GROUPS - Connection Day"

We are "Connecting" our LIFE GROUPS here at Onaway Assembly of God. Today's message is a combination of a Communion Sunday and the need for meeting with one another. Pastor Kamron is teaching from Hebrews 10 which happens to touch on both.
Are you finding motivation to love from others in the church? We all need it... and todays passage shows us HOW! LIFE GROUPS will be a small part of making this happen in our church. Listen to today's message to see if you agree...

SPEAKERS: Pastor Kamron and Shanon Oberlin
DATE: October 26th - 2014
TITLE: "LIFE GROUPS - Connection Day"

Sunday, October 19, 2014

"Get a LIFE... Group!"

We need each other... it's not a selfish need, it's a necessary NEED! The Bible is clear that we are to minister and LIVE our lives together as Believers in Jesus.
In the next few weeks, we are going to be starting LIFE GROUPS here at Onaway Assembly of God. This is an exciting opportunity to connect with others in our church. Maybe you aren't sure if it's necessary? Please listen to today's message as Pastor Kamron makes a case for small groups in our church...
TITLE: "Get a LIFE... Group!"
DATE: October 19th - 2014
SPEAKER: Pastor Kamron J. Oberlin

Sunday, October 5, 2014

"Faith Required"

This message is simply... about Faith. According to the Bible, Faith is forever... it is right there with Hope and Love. If Faith is something I will have forever and if WITHOUT Faith it is impossible to please God... then it is important and necessary for ME!

Today's message is really an encouragement to not only recognize the "weight" or the "value" of our faith... but also the fact that you can LOSE your faith if you are not careful. Listen and see if your faith is where it should be... fully dependent on Jesus your Savior.

TITLE: "Faith Required"
DATE: October 5th - 2014
SPEAKER: Pastor Kamron Oberlin