Sunday, December 27, 2015

"How to Pray Like a Righteous Man" (PrayerThatWorks SERIES - Week1)

This week we kick off a new series as Pastor Kamron shares 6 attributes of "Righteous Prayer". We are about to start off a new year. 2016 is quickly approaching. Let's start right with prayer being a major focus of the New Year.

Today's message really revolves around Elijah and the way he prayed to the Lord after a drought of over 3 years. Not only did  God bring the rain... but He showed the people that He was TRULY the God they needed to be worshiping. 

If you need some pointers in your prayer life, listen to today's message and begin your journey of praying big giant prayers that you expect God to answer. He will. You can. It's time.

Speaker: Pastor Kamron J. Oberlin
Date: December 27th, 2015
Location: Onaway Assembly of God

Sunday, December 13, 2015

"Lord, please BLESS my mess!"

Have you ever wondered what it was REALLY like when Jesus came into this world? We setup our Nativities every year around Christmas time and it’s always very orderly and clean and peaceful. There is Mary and Joseph looking in adoration at little sleeping baby Jesus in the manger. There are shepherds and wise men flanking both sides doing the same. Even the animals are on the scene, quietly watching baby Jesus sleep.

But what REALLY happened? Because life is MESSY and just because Jesus is perfect doesn’t mean the nativity in reality was a “Precious Moment’s” scene. My guess… baby Jesus was crying and Mary was exhausted. The wise men weren’t there and the animals, IF they were there… didn’t all stand facing baby Jesus in silence. It was messy. It was not ideal. The “feeding trough/manger” wasn’t Mary’s first choice for a bed.

But… despite the mess, Jesus was born and God blessed US all in this. It was a glorious, wonderful birth of our Savior. Albeit a messier version than what we put on display. And that’s OK. Because God works in our mess. God wants to use YOU in your messy life too. Will you let Him?

Speaker: Pastor Kamron J. Oberlin
Date: Sunday, December 13th - 2015
Location: Onaway Assembly of God