Sunday, July 26, 2015

"Are we ONE or MANY?"

Let's be honest here. Some of the things we read in the Bible are difficult to understand. Some of what Jesus commands and teaches are hard to put into practice. And some of them seem down right impossible.
But we also know that we can do ALL things through Christ who gives us strength. And if Jesus says it... we are obligated to do it.
Today's message is no exception. Jesus prays over us in John 17 that we are to be "one" with each other JUST like Jesus is "one" with the Father. Now we can vaguely grasp the concept of Jesus and the Father being "one", but US too? WE are supposed to be "one" with each other "just as" Jesus is one with the Father?
Listen to today's message as Pastor Kamron shared not only the possibility of this happening... but more importantly the necessity of the Church pursuing Supernatural Unity.

Speaker: Pastor Kamron J. Oberlin
Date: Sunday - July 26th, 2015
Location - Onaway Assembly of God

Sunday, July 19, 2015

"Meaningless Life + Jesus = Joy"

Today we look at an interesting Book of the Bible called Ecclesiastes. This is a teaching from the wise King Solomon about the meaning of life. Surprisingly... the answer is "Everything is meaningless".
King Solomon came to the same conclusion many modern day thinkers come to... that we are born with nothing and we leave with nothing. We spend our lives amassing wealth and pursuing happiness but in the end... we leave with nothing to show for it. Just a memory of a meaningless life!But is that really the only option? Or is there more available?
Listen to today's message as Pastor Kamron shares the equation that "Meaningless Life + Jesus = Joy". Pastor Kamron also invites his brother-in-law Jake to share his personal testimony that highlights the redemptive power of Jesus when you simply surrender your life to Him. A powerful example that Jesus wants to infuse JOY back into your life too!

Location: Onaway Assembly of God
Date: Sunday, July 29th - 2015
Speaker: Pastor Kamron J. Oberlin

Sunday, July 12, 2015

"Seize the Moment"

This morning we spent some extra time hearing about a mission's trip that someone is going on to Costa Rica and we are blessed to be able to support. We also spent some time praying for and laying hands on a fellow member who was told she has cancer. (She is now healed... that's faith my friends!)
But all the extra time for prayer and investment into missions... it took time away from the message today. Was it time well spent? I'll give a resound YESIR!
It's appropriate when you consider the message is titled "Seize the Moment" and the topic is about spending our time wisely as Christians. Do we realize the priceless value of our time? Do we in fact realize our time is not even OUR time... but God's time? Listen to today's message as Pastor Kamron shares from his heart some personal failures in this area as well as the declaration to change. It will be worth your "time".

Speaker: Pastor Kamron J. Oberlin
Date: Sunday, July 12th - 2015
Location: Onaway Assembly of God

Sunday, July 5, 2015

"Freedom Has An Expiration"

Happy Independence Day! This is a weekend that we, as Americans, should truly embrace and appreciate. We have a freedom that most people in this world do not have. But what would it take for you to give this amazing freedom UP? Can you? Will you?
Believe it or not, the freedom we inherit today has an expiration date. You don't know when... but it DOES. What if there was another, BETTER freedom available to you?

Listen to today's message as Pastor Kamron shares the freedom that does not expire. A freedom that is eternal and untouchable. It is found in Jesus Christ and it will cost you nothing but allegiance to Him.
Location: Onaway Assembly of God
Date: Sunday - July 5th, 2015
Speaker: Pastor Kamron J. Oberlin