Sunday, September 27, 2015

"Holy Stankiness"

Is there a Biblical "stankiness" that we as Christians are called to smell like? Sort of. According to the apostle Paul, we are to have the aroma of Christ. And to some... this aroma brings REALITY to the forefront.

The reality for many is their own fate of "death and doom".

Listen to today's message as Pastor Kamron shares the promise of Victory that Christians have but also the call to Holy Stankiness that we must embrace as the reality the world needs to smell! 

Speaker: Pastor Kamron J. Oberlin
Date: Sunday - September 27th - 2015
Location: Onaway Assembly of God

Sunday, September 20, 2015


In the picture here you will notice two common items. A drinking straw and a drywall screw. Unfortunately... they both have some form of a flaw that equates to them being unusable as they were originally intended. (The straw is sealed on one end and the screw has no threads.)

Listen to today's message as Pastor Kamron shares how WE too can find ourselves in the place of being unusable by God when we wander from the Will of God. Like Jonah (today's passage), you will find yourself in a place of needing to make a choice. Hopefully you won't have to make this choice in the belly of a whale.

The choice is simple. Remain "away" from God and suffer the consequences of that choice. OR... repent, receive God's Grace and Forgiveness... and simply, reSTART.

The choice is yours.

Speaker: Pastor Kamron J. Oberlin
Date: Sunday - September 20th, 2015
Location: Onaway Assembly of God

Sunday, September 13, 2015

"It's HIS Plan"

Today is a tough message because Pastor Kamron shares with the church that Pastor Ryan and Kristin are moving. We have enjoyed their ministry along side us over this past 5 months. Sometimes when God has a new plan... our instant reaction is WHY? But as you will hear in today's message, the "why" isn't what's important.

Because God's Plan... is better!

We must find obedience and faith in God to simply take the next step directed by the Lord. Even if it doesn't make sense. Even if we don't understand. Because it's not MY plan... "It's HIS Plan".

Speaker: Pastor Kamron J. Oberlin
Date: Sunday - September 13th, 2015
Location: Onaway Assembly of God