Sunday, November 29, 2015

"Prisoner of My Own Comfort"

Do you realize how phenomenally blessed we are as American’s? In comparison to the entire population of planet earth… we are filthy rich when it comes to our standards of living. Today… 2015… 1/3 of the world makes less than $2/day in wages. I don’t know about you… but I can spend more than that on coffee in one day! (And think it’s a good deal!)

We are a people of comfort.

This week, Pastor Kamron points out that comfort can easily become a prison if we think we are guaranteed it. If we think that comfort is our inheritance from God while still here on earth… we are in trouble. You can’t read the Bible and find a promise of a comfortable lifestyle. (In fact, you will find just the opposite.) Maybe this doesn’t sound like a message you want to hear… but if you love Jesus and want to be obedient to Him, this expectation of comfort needs to be dealt with.

Speaker: Pastor Kamron J. Oberlin
Date: Sunday, November 29th - 2015
Location: Onaway Assembly of God

Sunday, November 22, 2015

"ALWAYS? thankful"

Yes, this week we will celebrate Thanksgiving. A special day we set aside every year to be... wait for it... thankful. :-) But as usual... God expects MORE from those of us who consider Jesus to be our Lord and Savior!

More. More thankfulness. 

In fact, today's main passage from 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says we are to be thankful in ALL circumstances. Listen to today's message as Pastor Kamron shares how a day of hunting last week shows how much work HE has to do. And we all are probably in the same place of needing to be MORE thankful!

Speaker: Pastor Kamron J. Oberlin
Date: Sunday, November 22nd - 2015
Location: Onaway Assembly of God

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Strong-Willed... Blessing or Curse?

Listen to this Sunday's message as Pastor Shanon shares a message about being STRONG willed. The crazy thing about this characteristic is it can be an amazing blessing... or a crazy curse! The reality of this message is... it's up to you. Are you going to fight AGAINST God... or FOR Him?

Speaker: Pastor Shanon Oberlin
Date: Sunday, November 15th - 2015
Location: Onaway Assembly of God

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Jesus First

This Sunday Pastor Kamron is out of town with our Youth Group in Lansing. Listen to our guest speaker, Brother Dave Walker as he shares from his heart about putting Jesus First. Dave doesn't just preach this, he truly lives it. Listen to his testimony and words of encouragement as he shares what God has put on his heart to share today.

Speaker: Brother Dave Walker
Date: Sunday, November 8th - 2015
Location: Onaway Assembly of God